Happy Spring Break! Our students are off Monday, March 10th through Friday the 14th!
5 days ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Reminder! Students will not have school on Monday, February 17th in observance of President's Day.
26 days ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
The Mahtomedi Middle School Youth Night is back! Join us after school on February 28th for an evening of fun! Register here by February 27th at noon: http://bit.ly/42fwP2S
about 1 month ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Mahtomedi Middle School conferences are just around the corner! Remember to mark your calendars for February 20th 3:30-7:30pm.
about 1 month ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Mahtomedi parents and guardians, we are looking for chaperones to assist with Middle School Youth Night on February 28th after school! Sign up here: https://bit.ly/428ouxP
about 1 month ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Finals Week is here! It's time to finish strong, Zephyrs! Stay focused, take breaks, and remember--you've got this!
about 2 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Reminder! Friday, January 24th is Teacher Professional Day. Students will not have school that day.
about 2 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Students do not have school on Monday, January 20th in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day.
about 2 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Join us at the annual Mahtomedi Outdoor Skate Party on January 26th noon-3pm! Bring your family, friends, and neighbors to celebrate winter with a bonfire, hot beverages, and food. The festivities will occur at the community rink and warming house north of the District Education Center. Hope to see you there!
about 2 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Join us for an evening of great music at the Mahtomedi Middle School Jazz Band Concert, happening on January 16th at 7 pm at the Chautauqua Fine Arts Center!
about 2 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Assessment reminder: students in grades 6-8 will be administered the mySAEBRS test on Tuesday, January 21st.
about 2 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Mahtomedi families and staff are invited to share feedback on a questionnaire regarding fundraising to support our school facilities. Share here: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/MahtomediSchoolDistrict
2 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Happy Winter Break! We will see our students back at school on Thursday, January 2nd!
3 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Join us at Chautauqua Fine Arts Center for the 7th and 8th Grade Band Concerts Tuesday, December 17th at 6:30pm!
3 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Deadline approaching to register for the Middle School STEM Fair! Students in grades 6-8 have the chance to create a project of their choosing to compete and win prizes! Register at the following link by Monday, December 16th: bit.ly/3OR2QWU
3 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
We are looking for volunteers to share their careers with Mahtomedi Middle School students at the 2025 Career Day! Please complete the Google Form at the following link by Wednesday, December 18th if you are interested in participating: https://bit.ly/4gmnMkA
3 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Sunday, December 15th: last day to register for Ski & Snowboard Club (grades 6-9) and Nordic Ski Club (grades 6-12)! Visit here to register: https://mahtomedi.ce.eleyo.com/search?redirected_yet=true&sf[category]=77
3 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Join us at Chautauqua Fine Arts Center at 6:30pm on Thursday, December 12th for the 6th and 8th Grade Choir Concerts!
3 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Join us at Chautauqua Fine Arts Center for the 7th Grade Choir Concert (Treble & Emerging) on Tuesday, December 10th at 6:30pm!
3 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools
Join us at Chautauqua Fine Arts Center for the 6th Grade Band Concert Tuesday, December 3rd at 7pm!
3 months ago, Mahtomedi Public Schools