Early Childhood

Mahtomedi Area Preschool (MAP)

School Readiness - Mahtomedi Area Preschool (MAP) helps prepare students for the beginning of their school career. MAP takes 3-5 year-olds through daily activities to strengthen social-emotional, physical, and cognitive development. The curriculum features exploration and discovery as a way of learning. Math, language, and literacy skills are enhanced in MAP, as is self-regulation. Along the way children continue to develop confidence, creativity, and lifelong critical thinking abilities.

Early Childhood Family Education (ECFE)

ECFE builds on family strengths and supports families in their efforts to raise their infants, toddlers and preschool aged children. Families attend classes together to experience learning in a safe environment to prepare for preschool and kindergarten. Classes are taught by licensed parent educators and licensed teachers. ECFE strives to build a strong partnership between home and school.

Early Childhood Screening

This FREE, state-mandated program is required for children who will attend kindergarten in a public school. Screening identifies potential health or developmental concerns with young children who may need a health or diagnostic assessment or an educational evaluation.

Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE)

Special education services are provided free of charge to children birth to age 5. Call 651-407-2457 for more information.

Contact Information

Registration/Tuition questions: 
651-407-2441, earlychildhood@isd832.net

Early Learning Supervisor:  Angela Lundblad
651-407-2443, angela.lundblad@isd832.net

Registration: www.mahtomedi.ce.eleyo.com