World's Best Workforce 2024

Welcome to Mahtomedi's World's Best Workforce goals and summary of progress. For more information, examine the supplementary information below.
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World's Best Workforce (WBWF) is the Minnesota Department of Education's continuous improvement initiative. In short, MDE has created expectations that each school district sets yearly goals and defines plans in each of 5 areas.
Learn more about Minnesota's World's Best Workforce requirements here.

Achievement and Integration is the Minnesota Department of Education's continuous improvement initiative focused on closing the achievement gap across the state to increase opportunities for students to participate in meaningful integration activities. The State funding intends to pursue racial and economic integration, increase student achievement, create equitable educational opportunities, and reduce academic disparities based on students’ diverse racial, ethnic, and economic backgrounds in participating schools and districts. Mahtomedi is eligible because we partner with a district with one or more racially isolated schools. And because we are eligible, a strong foundation of integration with our partner district must be outlined in our plan.

While the state of Minnesota uses the term "readiness" in its World's Best Workforce requirements, we know that all children are ready for kindergarten when they meet the age requirement to enroll. It is the role of the system to support all children who begin attending kindergarten wherever they are in their learning progression.

Information about the 3rd Grade Reading - now housed under the Local Literacy Plan, is found here.

Our goals are written to call out and address the greatest gaps we see between student groups. In this case, students who demonstrate financial need (those who are eligible for educational benefits) underperform students who do not demonstrate financial need (those who are not eligible for educational benefits). It is essential for school systems to analyze data to determine achievement gaps so that we can adjust instruction to ensure that all students have opportunities to achieve.

Achievement and Integration goals must address three areas which include integration activities with partner district(s), increase student achievement, and reduce academic disparities based on students’ demographics. You'll see that our achievement-related goals focus on math and reading - 2 of the 3 areas assessed on the Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments (MCAs).