Digital Citizenship

What is Digital Citizenship?

Digital Citizenship is the concept of practicing safe and effective internet usage. In the same way that it is important to be a good citizen in the real world, it is equally important that we are good citizens in our digital world. In a school setting, this means educating our students/children on the proper ways to handle ourselves and our internet activity.

There are nine main components of Digital Citizenship:

  1.  Access - Do our students have fair, equitable access to technology and the internet?

  2. Commerce - Awareness of intelligent e-buying / e-selling of goods (being a smart digital consumer).

  3. Digital Communication - Appropriate internet usage and etiquette when communicating with others.

  4. Digital Literacy - Knowing what tools exist, and how to best use them.

  5. Digital Etiquette - The ability to show respect and empathy, regardless of context. 

  6. Digital Law - Assuming full responsibility for online actions (such as copyright infringements).

  7. Digital Rights and Responsibility - freedoms (citizenship) extended to all users.

  8. Digital Health/Wellness - Well-being in a digital setting.

  9. Digital Security - Taking necessary precautions to remain secure at all times.

students in library gathered in front of a laptop